#: locale=en-GB ## Tour ### Descrizione tour.description = ODO is a virtual tour, a journey through a room of the Italian Central Herbarium | Botany collections, Museum of Natural History, University of Florence. ### Titolo tour.name = ODO: journey through the Herbarium | Museum System - University of Florence ## Skin ### Pulsante Button_33E05EBD_2656_F9E6_41B7_F7BDEA9F8FF2.label = Credits Button_3FF2A349_30C5_6FE0_41A1_9364685E8247.label = Herbarium sample Button_640C30C2_6BE8_AB7F_41D2_B0721B977651.label = Take a picture! Button_A45270E8_AA00_533B_41C7_DAFD27D7F87E.label = Share Button_A85A6447_B3FB_20EE_41D4_2003FA8F42FA.label = ENG Button_A86B8C64_B3FB_20A2_41B4_A56BE3436A18.label = FRA Button_A892AF85_B3FB_2062_41D6_54FC47AEC64D.label = ESP Button_A9A851AE_B3FF_23BE_41D3_6CED23EFFFBD.label = ITA Button_B3DA97A6_A997_F2B9_41DC_73E46A716C36.label = DISCOVER Button_E0196459_F333_CDDC_41D3_4F146FB84D6F.label = Contact Button_E1DE00F5_F330_C6D4_41D2_410AFD9B0F7B.label = Photogallery Button_E24CDBDE_F333_BAD4_41E0_CF0D78286D20.label = From "field" to herbarium ### Testo Multilinea HTMLText_080B738F_2998_81D6_41A0_B465A953D309.html =
Place each sample on a sheet of paper (such as white, pH-neutral Bristol board) and secure it by placing a few strips of adhesive tape or pins.

Leave a space at the bottom right of the sheet where the label can be applied, on which all the data marked during the collection phase should be written: collector, location, type of vegetation, soil, date, etc.
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Once the sample is dry, any insects that might destroy it shortly thereafter must be removed. The best method is to keep it in the freezer (-28 °C) for about 10-15 days.

To avoid "surprises", samples should be kept in a suitable environment even after the first treatment: for small herbaria, repellents such as camphor or, even better, natural ones such as thymol may be sufficient. For medium or large ones, the best way is to keep the rooms refrigerated, enough to prevent insect growth (approx. 18 °C).

Today, fortunately, it is no longer possible to use poisonous (e.g., methyl bromide) or flammable (e.g. carbon disulfide) materials, as it was done in the past, because they are dangerous, both for the samples and for those who have to handle them!

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Once the collection is complete, place each sample on a sheet of newspaper and compose a package, taking care to apply labels with information about the collec-tion. You will then take care to close the package with wooden boards or cardboard and cotton straps.

It is necessary to press down on the package so that the plants will lie flat and begin their dehydration by mechanical means. After 24 hours, all newspapers should be replaced with dry ones to prevent mold growth. The paper change will continue over the next few days at increasingly sparser intervals. Complete drying is usually achieved 10-40 days after harvest, depending on the material and season.

At each change of paper, you can change the ar-rangement of samples and parts: you can spread the leaves and gently open the flowers, avoid overlapping parts of the sample, turn the leaves when they have particular structures on the lower side, etc.

Some interesting facts:
- Sometimes specimens can easily lose their leaves and/or flowers during drying (conifers and heath-ers, for example). In such cases, a fixative such as cup varnish can be used, indicating this on a sam-ple label. Alternatively, the process of "leaf ab-scission" can be stopped by heat, for example by boiling the plant before drying it.
- Succulents take months to dry out: soaking them in boiling water first can speed up the process!
- To prevent mold attack, samples can be treated with denatured alcohol.

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A plant collection has value in itself because of the permanent association of the natural specimen with the label bearing its collection data. However, it takes on its scientific meaning only when each find is identi-fied.
To do so, it may be necessary to note some of its characteristics while it is still fresh, but generally her-barium specimens "speak" to botanists even many years after preparation. This is definitely good news: it doesn't limit the time of collecting more specimens too much, and most importantly, it makes sense of the herbarium as a place to physically store specimens!

Herbarium specimens are often studied with a good lens or small stereoscopic microscope and handled with a pair of stamp tweezers to avoid breaking them. If it is necessary to examine the details of an organ (flower, fruit, seed etc.), it can be immersed in boiling water to rehydrate it and facilitate its manipulation.

For the identification it is often necessary to consult suitable texts that, through special analytical keys, help the recognition. Once we have identified our sample, we transcribe its name on the label, along with that of the author and the date of identification.

In this way, over the course of time, each single herbarium sheet can become a small archive in which the testimonies of all those who have examined and evaluated it are stratified.

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This and other rooms in the Botany collections may be visited for Research purposes: more information.

For more information about the virtual space ODO and updates on new content you can write to comunicazione(AT)adm.unifi.it

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University Museum System
University of Florence
Via La Pira 4

Collections’ managers
Lorenzo Cecchi
Anna Donatelli
Lorenzo Lastrucci
Chiara Nepi

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You are in the heart of the Italian Central Herbarium, the largest in Italy and among the first in the world for number of specimens. This is one of the six rooms where it is housed.

The Italian Central Herbarium (Herbarium Centrale Italicum - HCI) is part of the Botany collections of the Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence. All the Botany collections of the University Museum System are in Via della Pira 4 in a space that is at once delicate and sensitive to external agents: the collections are open to the public only for Research purposes.

The establishment of an Italian Central Herbarium dates to pre-unity Italy, in 1842: it was a “national” museum before the birth of the Nation, a phenomenon that touches botany first, then geology, paleontology and zoology.
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ODO, the virtual space to disseminate knowledge of the botanical collections of the University Museum System, has been developed by a collective of professionals that includes:
- Communication and Public Engagement Unit of the University of Florence
- Managers of the Botany collections of the University of Florence
- Didacommunicationlab.

Sound: The Enchanted Forest di Roger Plexico, under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Acknowledgements go to the producers of the video shot as part of the Florintesa - Amori botanici project, reproduced as a clip in the display cabinet of the Italian Central Herbarium room.
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Plants should not be ripped out, but collected with care and good sense! Each part intended for the her-barium cannot exceed the size of the sheet on which it will be mounted, i.e. about 30x45cm.
The most useful and valuable sample is the most complete one: when possible it should be collected with leaves, flowers or fruits, if necessary drawing from individuals in different stages of development.

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From the field as a place of collection to the herbarium as a place of preservation: it is a journey of care that develops in several stages, bringing together many small material pieces into a single, large archive of knowledge.

1. Collection
2. Drying
3. Disinfection
4. Assembly
5. Identification
6. Archiving

Each person can become a witness and guardian of biodiversity through the establishment of a herbarium, for example.
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Botany collections in the virtual tour of the exhibition itinerary Natura Collecta, Natura Exhibita:

- Erbario Merini
- Erbario Micheli e Erbario Cesalpino
- Dipinti di Bartolomeo Bimbi
- Piante in cera
- Erbario Centrale Italiano e F. Parlatore
- Piante e metalli
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Natura Collecta
Natura Exhibita
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Once the specimen is identified, it is stored in the her-barium so that it can be easily found when needed.
The criteria for 'physical' storage of the specimen may be different, but in any case it is always placed accord-ing to the name of the species, within the genus and family to which it belongs.
Further refinements of archiving may involve geo-graphic subdivision of samples of the same species, depending on the origin of the collection.
Of key importance is the archiving of data related to the samples, today more and more computerized and often made available to external users.
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Natura Collecta
Natura Exhibita
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Ordering scheme
in Italian Central Herbarium

Herbarium sheets are collected in different colored folders that are enclosed in packs.

The folders can be GRAY, WHITE or RED.
They are gray for Italian specimen, with one folder per region.
They are white for foreign specimens.
They are red for typus specimens ("types" are specimens on which a plant species is first described).
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Biodiversity and Ecological Research in Herbarium

The specimen of cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) from the collections of Odoardo Beccari is one of the last documents testifying the presence of this plant in Tuscany, where it grew in a single station in what were once the Marshes of Bientina, between Lucca and Pisa.
Due to the vast reclamation that affected this wetland area, the species was already considered extinct at the end of the 19th century.

The specimen in question was donated in 1861 to the young Beccari by Pietro Savi, his professor of Botany at the University of Pisa, of which Odoardo became assistant, before abandoning this role for some misunderstandings with the Pisan botanist and moving to the University of Bologna, where he graduated with Antonio Bertoloni in 1864.
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The botanical collections of the University Museum System include approximately 5 million specimens-no single researcher could ever match this wealth in the span of his or her lifetime!

From herbarium specimens collected in different places and times, information about environmental changes can be deduced: population growth, urbanization, land reclamation, opening of major communication roads, pollution, climate change, intensive agriculture, etc.

Human-induced environmental changes can cause the rarefaction or disappearance of many species or, conversely, encourage the appearance of exotic species.

The Museum System's samples document environmental changes through those of plant distribution over time and space: it is often not possible to do it any other way.
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The cranberry,
an extinct plant in Tuscany
### Etichetta Label_04C8ECCC_1036_347B_4186_43D731CC1317.text = (click and drag) Label_0C6E0384_1012_0CEA_41A7_C3DACA3A70A8.text = 1.6 Label_7383FE99_7C0B_9711_41C8_08914FF0996A.text = a herbarium room Label_E902A1C6_E4D9_86FE_41AB_6BE5ED76DC2D.text = an archive of biodiversity ### Pannello Schede TabPanelPage_09CE0D02_2998_86CE_41C3_14E1A4C6B8FD.label = 2 TabPanelPage_09CE1D02_2998_86CE_41BB_347A946D2DF0.label = 1 TabPanelPage_09CE9D01_2998_86CA_41C3_F96E7C79DEF2.label = "Making" a Herbarium TabPanelPage_09CEBD02_2998_86CE_41C2_21C50525CBDD.label = 3 TabPanelPage_09CECD02_2998_86CE_41C2_F05355B6E627.label = 5 TabPanelPage_09CEDD02_2998_86CE_41BD_0DF596E6B580.label = 4 TabPanelPage_AAC7FEBE_B813_57D5_41D4_0C98FDC224A8.label = 6 ### Tooltip IconButton_A49F2D3E_ABF5_9698_41DF_D8D50256AC03.toolTip = Realtà virtuale IconButton_A50091B5_AA01_F52A_41DE_D162F3FA6CBF.toolTip = Whatsapp IconButton_A501C1B4_AA01_F52A_41D6_6C78D854A40A.toolTip = Telegram IconButton_A50FDE82_ABF4_F26B_41E4_C8D800181459.toolTip = Guide IconButton_B966EEAC_A9E5_99C4_4193_6E6940FA08BE.toolTip = Where you are IconButton_E16008CC_F331_4534_41E1_1B757A3F2135.toolTip = Facebook IconButton_E16028CC_F331_4534_41CC_0AE71809EF97.toolTip = Full screen IconButton_E16038CC_F331_4534_41E1_CCC835847F7A.toolTip = Twitter IconButton_E161C8CC_F331_4534_41D5_2E712AC6992D.toolTip = Audio on/off IconButton_E161D8CC_F331_4534_41D5_BFFA8EE90E83.toolTip = Hide/Show hotspots Image_B753F679_A4CE_EEF0_41D9_685E6C3B306A.toolTip = Ordering scheme in Italian Central Herbarium ## Media ### Titolo album_0AB96607_29E8_82D6_41B3_EAB5CEE797B8.label = Album Fotografico erbario_sezione_crittogamica album_0AB96607_29E8_82D6_41B3_EAB5CEE797B8_2.label = imga album_E191FD3D_F348_DA74_41DD_AA1F36873F85.label = Album Fotografico FI050207 album_E191FD3D_F348_DA74_41DD_AA1F36873F85_0.label = FI050207 panorama_1E77A6A9_0FF2_143D_41A7_E14122692B1F.label = orto-3 panorama_1E9A5A5E_0FF2_3C17_4193_CF34990ED941.label = orto-alto panorama_1EBD90F9_0FF2_0C1D_41A0_4E983D6526F4.label = orto-basso panorama_3D1596E9_2DEA_02CE_41A4_E126C50B393F.label = 6 copia panorama_3FFBD9D5_2DEA_0EC6_41C3_12A4658EFF7E.label = 5 copia panorama_71ADD3F2_7837_06F6_41D9_3CE5AC74E94E.label = 2 copia panorama_71AE195E_7837_032E_41D4_9C649D56E60E.label = 4 copia panorama_72A7F67E_7837_01EE_41CC_3B4107DE9982.label = 1-REV photo_21995D88_337A_7EC4_41C1_B337657590C7.label = AMERICA photo_21FCACC2_337A_FE47_41B2_DE0D54D2A6AD.label = AFRICA photo_220F3433_337A_4DC5_41C1_8AE0861DDDD4.label = EUROPA photo_22AE0F4D_337A_7A5D_4171_0C72ED089F72.label = ASIA photo_23100D14_2CC1_0805_41BA_C5207282556B.label = foto7 photo_23100D14_2CC1_0805_41BA_C5207282556B.label = foto7 photo_2313CBA7_2CC1_0803_4171_E646250F821B.label = foto6 photo_2313CBA7_2CC1_0803_4171_E646250F821B.label = foto6 photo_2313D8B9_2CC1_080F_41BB_56623F799085.label = foto3 photo_2313D8B9_2CC1_080F_41BB_56623F799085.label = foto3 photo_3C7F6562_2CC1_183D_41C1_EE268C9893E1.label = foto1 photo_3C7F6562_2CC1_183D_41C1_EE268C9893E1.label = foto1 photo_453C0083_4EAD_2BF5_41AD_7E90D6F20785.label = Erbario Webb A copia photo_453C0083_4EAD_2BF5_41AD_7E90D6F20785.label = Erbario Webb A copia photo_453C02E8_4EAD_2F33_41C6_88E5EE1B3130.label = sala 1 B copia photo_453C02E8_4EAD_2F33_41C6_88E5EE1B3130.label = sala 1 B copia photo_453C05D0_4EAD_3513_41D1_AC04D7481BF2.label = sala 3 A copia photo_453C05D0_4EAD_3513_41D1_AC04D7481BF2.label = sala 3 A copia photo_453C18B3_4EAD_3B15_41C6_0978630B115B.label = sala 4B copia photo_453C18B3_4EAD_3B15_41C6_0978630B115B.label = sala 4B copia photo_453C2B9D_4EAD_3D0D_41C2_0ED9B9B059F4.label = sala 5 B copia photo_453C2B9D_4EAD_3D0D_41C2_0ED9B9B059F4.label = sala 5 B copia photo_453C2EA3_4EAD_3735_41BF_09A38AACFC31.label = sala 5 E copia photo_453C2EA3_4EAD_3735_41BF_09A38AACFC31.label = sala 5 E copia photo_453C2EBF_4EAD_570D_41D2_D813BD6C5511.label = DSC_0101 copia photo_453C2EBF_4EAD_570D_41D2_D813BD6C5511.label = DSC_0101 copia photo_453C51B8_4EAD_2D12_41C3_1D260A8DA7B1.label = Erbario Webb B copia photo_453C51B8_4EAD_2D12_41C3_1D260A8DA7B1.label = Erbario Webb B copia photo_453C5743_4EAD_3574_41A5_AAB61AEA2867.label = sala 4 A copia photo_453C5743_4EAD_3574_41A5_AAB61AEA2867.label = sala 4 A copia photo_453C5A2C_4EAD_3F33_41C1_C8120A56A69A.label = sala 5 A copia photo_453C5A2C_4EAD_3F33_41C1_C8120A56A69A.label = sala 5 A copia photo_453C744D_4EAD_2B0D_41D1_EB6E9AE4AC35.label = sala 2 A copia photo_453C744D_4EAD_2B0D_41D1_EB6E9AE4AC35.label = sala 2 A copia photo_453EAD1D_4EAD_550D_41A7_01E3A88FB973.label = DSC_0001 copia photo_453EAD1D_4EAD_550D_41A7_01E3A88FB973.label = DSC_0001 copia photo_BC017B26_A4C7_6610_41D2_70654177463C.label = IMG_20211014_114248_resized_20211014_114403558 photo_BC017B26_A4C7_6610_41D2_70654177463C.label = IMG_20211014_114248_resized_20211014_114403558 photo_BC0AE74A_A4C6_AE10_41E2_6A3164A94B74.label = pacco con tipi bis photo_BC0AE74A_A4C6_AE10_41E2_6A3164A94B74.label = pacco con tipi bis photo_BC0F649A_A4C6_A230_41E1_4CE6D7A88878.label = pacco e camicia photo_BC0F649A_A4C6_A230_41E1_4CE6D7A88878.label = pacco e camicia photo_BC62370E_A4C7_6E10_41DF_F3459D064C08.label = IMG_20211014_113931_resized_20211014_114402177 photo_BC62370E_A4C7_6E10_41DF_F3459D064C08.label = IMG_20211014_113931_resized_20211014_114402177 photo_BD0A3508_A4C7_A210_41D8_BD70B6E49916.label = IMG_20211014_113830_resized_20211014_114400912 photo_BD0A3508_A4C7_A210_41D8_BD70B6E49916.label = IMG_20211014_113830_resized_20211014_114400912 video_AB9DD81A_BDD8_7493_41E6_847C4A5F301C.label = Video intro video_D14C4EF7_CD1B_7AB0_41D0_3EFCEA7528BA.label = Foglie cadenti (animazione) video_D1EA1C86_CD0B_1D50_41E6_21F6BE9BC88F.label = Estratto video Botanica Florintesa ## Popup ### Corpo htmlText_004AA1A3_27D2_0BE2_41AA_DB3D123BCA36.html =
This specimen of the species Acaena magellanica be-longs to the Italian Central Herbarium

The specimen was collected by an English botanist, J. D. Hooker, a few years after the British colonialist settle-ment in the Malvinas Islands, an archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean (1833) disputed by Argentina.

Date: 1839-1843
Location: Falkland or Malvinas Islands
Continent: The Americas
Folder: Joseph Dalton Hooker
Specimen: Acaena magellanica (Lam.) Vahl (formerly A. laevigata Ait., family ROSACEAE)

Joseph Dalton Hooker
There are over 4 million specimens in the Italian Central Herbarium in addition to this in the phanerogamic collections (seeded plants, which differ from the organisms without flowers and seeds collected in the cryptogamic collections).
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This specimen of Gyrocarpus americanus f. africanus be-longs to the Italian Central Herbarium

Date: 1870
Location: Northern Abyssinia, country of the Bogos
Country: Ethiopia
Continent: Africa
Folder: Odoardo Beccari
Specimen: Gyrocarpus americanus f. africanus Kubitzki (family HERNANDIACEAE)

Odoardo Beccari
There are over 4 million specimens in the Italian Central Herbarium in addition to this in the phanerogamic collections (seeded plants, which differ from the organisms without flowers and seeds collected in the cryptogamic collections).
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This specimen of the species Magnolia mannii is part of the Italian Central Herbarium

Date: 1889
Location: Makum Forest, Assam State
Country: India (Northwestern)
Continent: Asia
Folder: Gustav Mann
Specimen: Magnolia mannii (King) Figlar (formerly Michelia mannii King; family MAGNOLIACEAE)

Gustav Mann
There are over 4 million specimens in the Italian Central Herbarium in addition to this in the phanerogamic collections (seeded plants, which differ from the organisms without flowers and seeds collected in the cryptogamic collections).
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This type is part of the Central Italian Herbarium, a herbarium specimen used to describe for the first time the variety Romulea ramiflora var. violacea

The protagonists of the collection and identification are Emilio Levier, original owner of the specimen, and Stefano Sommier, a botanist and anthropologist. The sample is enriched by a lengthy annotation by Levier.

Date: 1894
Location: Giglio Island Capelrosso light and overhanging mountains
Country: Italy
Continent: Europe
Folders: Emilio Levier and Stefano Sommier
Type of: Romulea ramiflora var. violacea Sommier (family IRIDACEAE)

Emilio Levier
Stefano Sommier in the 360° hall of the Anthropology Museum of Florence
There are over 4 million specimens in the Italian Central Herbarium in addition to this in the phanerogamic collections (seeded plants, which differ from the organisms without flowers and seeds collected in the cryptogamic collections).

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realtà virtuale (PROMEMORIA: disattivare bottone, si rimanda a dicembre)
### Titolo window_9E300275_BECE_FE07_41C2_D55AC7847FFF.title = for a journey through the Herbarium: ETHIOPIA window_9E96E6BD_BECE_0607_4181_A77CF58B8026.title = for a journey through the Herbarium: FALKLAND ISLANDS window_DCC2118C_CD19_2750_41DD_5D10F33CE6EB.title = for a journey through the Herbarium: ITALY window_DF64CFC1_CD17_3AD0_41E1_95CEADEB89A0.title = for a journey through the Herbarium: INDIA ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_036AF782_1012_14EF_4157_8BEEC20C08E8.toolTip = return HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_03892B53_1016_3C6D_4145_07EFAC98AB63.toolTip = return HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_080E4884_263E_19A6_41C2_33AF8FAB296E.toolTip = return HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_08609E16_2632_18A2_41B1_884B93168C8B.toolTip = return HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1D067E04_0FEE_17EB_41A9_57D8BD4D683B.toolTip = return HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_6A5EE61F_78CF_012E_41B1_2746BF5BBA8C.toolTip = return ## Azione ### URL LinkBehaviour_071868FD_27EE_1961_41B9_A5ABF36D3505.source = https://www.sma.unifi.it/index.html?newlang=eng LinkBehaviour_24722DC9_30C7_5AE0_41AA_30F09A923DDB.source = https://www.sma.unifi.it/p385.html LinkBehaviour_A1354491_BEA8_DD90_41C1_11E71C970B36.source = https://www.sma.unifi.it/p772.html