
Today the Museum of Natural History is the backbone of the University Museum System, a permanent, non-profit institution serving society. It guarantees conservation, promotion and public use of the scientific, historical-scientific and historical-artistic collections of the University of Florence.

The Museum of Natural History is at the service of the community and promotes scientific and museological research, documentation of biodiversity and human cultures. Through the use of its collections, it aims to provide opportunities for reflection and tools to interpret the complex reality of the interaction between humans and nature, with particular attention to the education of the new generations.

In implementing its mission, the University Museum System adopts transparent and sustainable practices, inspired by the principles of equality, impartiality, security, quality and participation.

It pursues the elimination of physical and cultural barriers in order to guarantee a more effective fruition and a wider diffusion of culture and knowledge.It promotes the collections and assets of the Museums through synergies with other institutions, both national and international.

The Museum System aims to:

  • Carry out educational activities; establish ongoing collaborations with schools of all levels for the development of joint projects aimed at disseminating culture;
  • Draw agreements with associations of volunteers that pursue the conservation and dissemination of cultural heritage for the purposes of developing the use of cultural heritage and the production of scientific and popular publications.

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