The involvement of the Museum System with the Community is expressed through a number of agreements with the local cultural institutions to manage directly some of the structures, participate in their scientific committees or collaborate with them.
This is why the Museum System actively pursues such networking policy with its territory, extending it to other universities and research institutions and represents an important experience that can produce collaborations, knowledge sharing, and constructive communication.
The participation in the Musei Welcome Firenze network, together with six other Florentine institutions, is a testimony to the commitment of the University Museum System to the dissemination, throughout the territory, of the knowledge of museum collections to all audiences.
The link between the University of Florence Museum System and the advances in Science, from Medici to the Lorraine houses, takes shape in the Rete Toscana dei Musei Scientifici (Tuscan network of Scientific Museums). The network promotes the scientific heritage disseminated through activities and visit itineraries for all ages.
Centro di Scienze Naturale di Galceti - (Parsec)
Parco minerario dell’Isola d’Elba
Museo di Scienze Planetarie della Provincia di Prato
Osservatorio Polifunzionale del Chianti
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