The museum displays the tools of the trade, that is 84 historical objects used for the measurement of the human body, as well as for photography, calculation and writing for anthropological purposes. The collection includes all the instruments for measuring the skull and body proportions (height, arms span, weight, vital capacity).
The value of the collection of photographic instruments is quite exceptional. It is, in fact, the anthropological school of Mantegazza, founder of the Museum, that first uses photography as a tool of the trade.
A set of typewriters completes this collection.
Learn more on the collection of scientific instruments (English text at the bottom of the pages)
Zavattaro, M., The Collection of Scientific Instruments, in: Moggi, J., Stanyon, R. (eds), 2014. "The Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence. Vol. 5, The Anthropological and Ethnological Collections", Firenze University Press (pp. 202-205)
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