The Villa can be reached by public transport with bus n. 38 (weekdays), direction Poggio Imperiale. Bus stop: Largo Fermi/Pian dei Giullari.
No guided tours are currently planned.
New dates will be communicated via newsletter (in Italian) and website.
Throughout the year guided tours in Italian or English can be arranged with the Educational service office:
1 hour guided tour | 100€ (up to 25 people)
Reduced price for European Union schools with presentation letter from the school:
1 hour guided tour | 30€
Free guided tours for disadvantages audiences (families with disabilities, non-profit associations, day care and residential centres for people with disabilities or socio-economic hardship):
Generously funded by the Regione Toscana through the ‘Musei Welcome Firenze’ project.
For information and booking, please, contact the Educational service office.