Villa La Quiete

Medici Villa La Quiete

In this page

Via di Boldrone 2, Florence
What’s on in the Villa:
Guided tours

Villa La Quiete - Presentazione


Villa La Quiete was the summer residence of Anna Maria Luisa (1667-1743), the last member of the Medici family. Furthermore, from 1650 and for more than three centuries it hosted the Montalve women's college, one of the most advanced and long-lasting institutions for female education.

Villa La Quiete is the property of Regione Toscana, but it is managed by the University Museum System - owner of the historic patrimony it contains - in order to promote the visit programme and better use of the premises.

How to visit the Villa

The Villa can be visited exclusively through a guided tour (English upon request).

Scheduled themed guided tours (1 hour):

Every Tuesday and Thursday in October at 5:30 p.m.

No reservation required, up to a maximum of 25 people.

Cost: €5 per person.

The visiting route is all on the ground floor and is barrier-free. The restrooms are wheelchair accessible.

Visitors with cognitive impairments can book simplified guided tours with qualified staff.


How to get to Villa La Quiete



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